Sunday 30th March 2025
Our restaurant will open for lunch on Mother’s Day with a special 3 course menu, £65 per person. There will be two sittings for this extra special day with 1st sitting 12-2pm and 2nd sitting at 2.30/2.45pm.
Reservations for this date only are NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE. If you wish to reserve a table, please contact us directly.
Classics Menu | 3 course Set Menu | £42
Our midweek dinner guests are spoilt for choice as we introduce a 3rd menu to the array. Available now at dinner on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, our Classics Menu takes another look at popular dishes from our 24-year history and changes fortnightly on Thursdays.
The Classics Menu will continue to be available all lunch times.
Cheese and Wine Evenings
Wednesday 2nd April and Wednesday 9th April
7pm | £60
Sarah will be hosting another of her delightful cheese and wine evenings.
Enjoy 5 cheese and wine pairings along with stories of the cheese and wine makers.
To book, please email Zoe with the subject line ‘Cheese Please’
Please only book for one date as the evening is repeated. Tables are shared and places are currently limited to a maximum of 4 per person. The evening is hosted in our upstairs room. Kindly note there is no lift.
HONEY at The French Tarte
Raw, unfiltered and unpasteurised, literally as the bees created it.
Made with love by the bees of Thames Ditton
We are very proud to stock honey on the comb from Stevie and Georgie’s 2 hives in Thames Ditton village. Stevie says that as there is only a mile from the hives to TFT, it is likely that their bees visit the planters outside the restaurant to gather their pollen!
TFT in Somerset
The Barrington Boar
Main Street, Barrington, Nr Ilminster TA19 0JB
Thursday 27th March 2025 | 7pm
4 course menu with wine pairing
Co-hosted by Eric and Sarah Guignard
For those of you with friends and family nearby we thought we would share that Eric and Sarah Guignard will be in Somerset at The Barrington Boar for a very special evening.
Eric Guignard will be guest cheffing alongside their chef-patron Alasdair for an evening of classic TFT dishes with paired wines chosen by Sarah.
Alasdair and his wife Victoria are considered TFT alumni having both spent time working here before going on to open their award-winning gastro pub in Somerset..
“We still dream of chorizo bread, Marmite & trilogy of pork! Eric’s pep talks on the pass along with Sarah’s guidance whilst I was working front of house will stay with me forever.” Victoria
For more information and to book, please visit The Barrington Boar website